Getting Addicted to EntreCard...

Entrecard dropping - my latest obsession! And for a lot of good reasons...I've just joined this free exchange network for a couple of days now and it has been a great help in boosting my site traffic. Not only that you can actually get to check out really cool blogs and network.

How does it work? Pretty simple. You can either drop cards on member blogs or advertise on their widgets. Dropping cards gives you the chance to leave your card and have possible networking opportunities. Advertising on widgets and paying them using your entrecard credits and once the owner of the site approves, your card will be displayed on their widget for a full 24 hours for each slot you purchase.

Earning credits is pretty easy too as well as fun. You earn this by dropping your card or when someone drops their cards on your site and when you have someone advertising on your site.

It's FUN! Enjoy hopping from one blog to another and another thing I like about this is for some credits you can have your card redesigned to make it more appealing. Try it now and hope you can drop by my site again and drop your card..

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Jojo said…
Yahoooo!!! Entrecard. I sent a lot of visitors to my site. It is great. BTW I added you already. Nice blog girl. Take care.
Jojo said…
Sorry about is supposed to be Entrecard sent a lot of visitors to my blog.