
Hi! Thanks for hopping along my site. I started Pinaywife Atbp. on November 2007, my first ever blog. What's with the blog name? I find it unimaginative :D but for some reason I simply stuck to it. Pinaywife - because I am Filipina/Pinay and I am a wife. I added "Atbp." which is the Filipino/Tagalog equivalent of "etc". I began this blog while I was still in the Philippines and now I'm blogging from Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

When I initiated this blog, I really had no idea about blogging, SEO and all those technical stuff. My motivation was simply having a place to write down my thoughts, share what I find interesting and I've been eager too to practice my writing skills. So this blog has been some sort of experiment for me, my blogging "guinea pig".

That's why if you go back over my posts, there's really not a cohesive topic, mostly random thoughts. In a way this blog mirrors my blogging journey and my discovery of what I found to be interesting to write about. But for the past year or so, this site already has a more or less definite topic: home, housekeeping, organizing, housekeeping, home decor, living, lifestyle, home trends, home shopping and leisure.

These are the topics I've realized I love exploring, researching and writing most about. Perhaps because I am a stay-at-home mom, it could also be because I am really into home decor, organizing even gardening.

Here's where I share my tips and insights related to home and living, home trends and product finds with occassional dashes of random thoughts and rants. I'm hoping you can pick something useful here and keep me bookmarked.

For inquiries, suggestions etc. please send me an email me via my CONTACT page.