Color Schemes for Christmas

When decorating, its important to first choose a color scheme to follow. It helps in keeping the over all look of your decor cohesive and less scattered. Making the first step is indeed very daunting. And that is usually the case for me and I bet most home makers. There are simply too many choices available and I mostly end up very confused.
I don’t profess to have a good eye for color and times like this I don’t hesitate looking around for help and ideas. Here’s one site I found that would most definitely help us if you are also looking for color schemes for Christmas. In fact, I would recommend bookmarking this site coz you can find lots of color schemes here you can use not just for the holidays but for all occasions.
Love! Here’s the screenshot of some schemes you can use and base on.
ColorSchemer Gallery - christmas Color Schemes_1290218644712
Among those listed in their gallery, I’m torn between these colors combinations…
Natural Yule Colors – earthy, warm colors. Makes me think of mugs of hot chocolate, books, ottomans, rugs.. You get the picture.. Not too bright but warm.
New Blue Christmas – subtly elegant. I could imagine decking our home with this.. but I think daughter would protest coz there’s no hint of red.. lol!
Xmas – lovely earth colors. Makes me think of autumn, of pine cones, roasted turkey…=)
Victorian Christmas – go vintage? yes! I fancy that..
Christmas – Oh! Candy colors! The kiddo would go giddy with this, that’s for sure

Color schemer also has a software you can use to make your own color schemes, pick colors from photos etc. This would be handy if you work a lot of times with colors =) Visit Color Schemer.

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