My Kitchen Lifeline

It's true. I love to cook, I even experiment with it. But only when I have time and these days that is really rare. Everyone in my family knows our "microwave" method and microwave toaster ovens is our most used kitchen appliance aside from the stove.

To save time and to help me manage feeding my family I cook in batches. That way I can easily allot time for other things and would also be easier for anyone who comes and goes at odd times to have a meal ready.

Say I schedule cooking several viands good for 2-3 days, divided and packed in different containers and frozen. If I get so busy with work, if my husband works late, if my brother goes home at odd hours and we feel hungry, I don't need to hurry up and cook a meal. I just have to grab a frozen pack and pop it in the microwave and a minute late we could all get a meal.

I know my mother and father is complaining against this lifestyle but what can I do we have to maximize our time and this is our best option.

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