Positive Thinking and What it does to your Health

People with positive attitudes generally find life more enjoyable, but are they healthier? The answer is often "yes". Optimism is a resource for healing. Optimists or positive thinkers are more likely to overcome pain and adversity in their efforts to improve their medical treatment outcomes.
Our bodies respond to our thoughts, emotions and actions. In addition to staying fit, eating right, and managing stress. These tips would help us maintain positive thinking and have good health.
  • Create positive expectations for health and healing - mental and emotional expectations can influence health and healing outcomes. The "placebo effect" proves this. A placebo is a drug or treatment that provides no medical benefit except for the patient's belief that it will help. Averagely 35% of patients who receive placebos report satisfactory relief from their medical problems even though they received no actual medication.
  • Open yourself to humor, friendship and love - positive emotions boost your health. Have a good laugh every so often. Afterall humor makes life richer and healthier. Seek out friends. Volunteer, your will live longer and enjoy life more. By helping others we help ourselves. Plant a plant, get a pet. Animals and plants help us feel needed.
  • Appeal to the spirit - faith, prayer and spiritual beliefs can plan an important role in recovering from illness or in keeping yourself healthy.Your sense of spiritual wellness can help you overcome personal trials and things you have no control over.

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