Vinegar! Its Not Just for Cooking...

My hubby and my daughter hates the taste of vinegar, so I usually use lemon or calamansi for cooking but I always keep a bottle of vinegar in my pantry, not for cooking, but for a whole load of other benefits I could get from it. Read on...

  • Vinegar relieves sunburn and bee stings - soak a piece of cloth or cotton with vinegar and apply on skin.
  • It makes meat tender - marinate meat overnight.
  • It stops peeled potatoes from changing color - just add a few drops of vinegar in water and soak peeled potatoes.
  • Cleans windows - spray on windows and wipe with crumpled paper.
  • Removes stains on pots, pans and glasses - mix with salt and wash!
  • Softens feet! - pour some drops in warm water and voila! you have a nice foot soak.
  • Preserves cheese - wrap cheese in soaked cloth and place in a sealed container.
  • Prevents paint from peeling off galvanized metal - use vinegar as first coating, then leave to dry before applying paint.
  • Eliminates the smell of cigarette smoke - fill bowls and place in areas where you have cigarette smoke.
  • Improves the texture of rice - just add a few teaspoon to your cooking water.
Get more tips and more benefits of vinegar. Click here.

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