15 Questions...

I got this Badet's friendster bulletin post. I'm getting addicted to this tagging thing so here it goes...

1.How old will you be in five years? - 30 something...

2.Do you think you will be married by
then? - I already am, married.

3 .What do you look forward to most in
the next six months? - more business opportunities

4 .Who was the last person you called? - my husband.

5.Who was the last person to call
you? - my husband again.

6.Do you prefer to call or text? - to call, I'm a lousy texter.

7. Do you have any pets? - a cat.

8.W hat were you doing at 12 last
night? - updating my website.

9 .What is the capital of zimbabwe? - dunno and don't care :P

1 0. When was the last time you
saw your mom? - 2 weeks ago.

11 .What color are your eyes? - black?

12. Butterflies or dragonflies? - dragonflies

1 3.How many cities/towns have you
lived in? - 6

14. Do you prefer shoes, socks, or
bare feet? - bare feet hehehe

15. Are you a social person? - depends on my mood...

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