Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you. ~Carl Sandberg
Some people say Filipino's makes an art of being late, hence the term "Filipino time". I am proudly Filipino but being late is not something I want Pinoys to be known about.
Here are some practical tips on how to be on time, all the time.
- Always keep car keys, purse and backpack on hooks and a shelf by the exit door.
- Keep a clock in a prominent location so you can check it quickly when you have to leave your activities to be on time.
- Clean out your purse or briefcase each evening so it’s ready to go the next morning.
- Know how much money is in your wallet so you won’t run out of cash at an awkward time.
- Check and fill your gas tank on a regular schedule, such as every Friday.
- Give up that “one last thing” before walking out the door to be on time.
- Think about what you could do with an extra five minutes for every place where you arrive early. Consider it a bonus of an hour a week or more.
- Put CDs you want to listen to in the car — an incentive to get your drive under way.
- Review your plans and to-dos for the rest of the day and make note of things that have changed.
- Arrive early and reward yourself for the stress you saved by enjoying a cup of coffee or briefly calling a friend.
Start living by enjoying the five minutes you gain from being early. You actually give yourself more stress and guilt by working up to the last possible moment than by preparing to leave with time to spare. As a bonus, people will respect you for being dependable — an admirable character trait that shows you respect yourself and others.
Manners are a sensitive awareness of the feelings of others. If you have that awareness, you have good manners, no matter which fork you use. ~Emily Post